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Starry Night

"What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle."  

Mevlânâ Celaleddin-i Rumi

Self-Luminous Session
Nondual Therapy - Discovering our Self-Luminous nature 

Self-Luminous session offers opportunities for you to release the conditioning that is causing your suffering, whilst deepening your recognition of your true nature. The session process evolves organically, working with whatever you bring into the session. I will walk alongside your personal journey to facilitate your process of liberation. 


In this  session, you are invited to:​​

  • Open your capacity to heal yourself​

  • Further explore who we truly are beyond our names, status, roles and preferences and have a clear recognition of our true nature.

  • Explore the nature of your self-constructed identity, thoughts, feelings and perceptions, through experiential investigation.

  • Become aware of your own habitual thought patterns, conditioning, preferences and judgements that are causing your suffering, and transcend them.

  • Relax your mind from intense contraction fuelled by your conditioning and the effect of trauma.


We all have conditions that we have constructed throughout our lives and tendencies that we inherited with our bodies. These conditionings and tendencies are like filters that put colours onto our perceptions and create interpretations of our experience. This also forms our sense of self, the image of ourselves (ego) that we grow to believe is who we are. This all happens unconsciously, and through these filters, we experience our world and ourselves. Each of us live our lives interpreting our experience through our unique perspective, created by the unique filters of our conditioning. The idea of ourselves and who we truly are, are two different matters, although most of us live our lives without exploring this very curious question. 

Through Self-Luminous session, you'll be assisted to explore who you truly are, dissolving these filters one by one. This process can help letting go of your habitual patterns that are obstructing your personal growth & bring openness to your life.


  • Sessions duration: 1 hour

  • Frequency: Flexible according to clients' needs. Normally meet weekly or forthrightly but monthly session can be offered if the client feel comfortable with this frequency.

  • Meeting format:  In person or Video Call meetings via GoogleMeet, Zoom or Skype 


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